
Uses of Interface

Packages that use Options
org.tp23.jasper.runtime This package contains code that the JSP runtime uses. 
org.tp23.jasper.servlet This package contains code that is mostly specific to running the JSP compiler in a webcontext. 

Uses of Options in org.tp23.jasper

Classes in org.tp23.jasper that implement Options
 class EmbededServletOptions
          A class to hold all init parameters specific to the JSP engine.
 class JspC
          Shell for the jspc compiler.

Methods in org.tp23.jasper that return Options
 Options JspCompilationContext.getOptions()
          Get hold of the Options object for this context.
 Options JspEngineContext.getOptions()
          Get hold of the Options object for this context.
 Options CommandLineContext.getOptions()
          Get hold of the Options object for this context.

Constructors in org.tp23.jasper with parameters of type Options
JspEngineContext(JasperLoader loader, java.lang.String classpath, javax.servlet.ServletContext context, java.lang.String jspFile, boolean isErrPage, Options options, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse res)
CommandLineContext(JasperLoader newLoader, java.lang.String newClassPath, java.lang.String newJspFile, java.lang.String newUriBase, java.lang.String newUriRoot, boolean newErrPage, Options newOptions)

Uses of Options in org.tp23.jasper.runtime

Fields in org.tp23.jasper.runtime declared as Options
protected  Options JspLoader.options

Methods in org.tp23.jasper.runtime with parameters of type Options
 void JspLoader.setOptions(Options options)

Uses of Options in org.tp23.jasper.servlet

Fields in org.tp23.jasper.servlet declared as Options
protected  Options JspServlet.options
          Description of the Field
