Property name for a MyJasper server configuration property
This property defines the location of the classes generated from JSP's,
it must be in the runtime classpath.
When a generator implements ClassDeclarationPhase, its generate
method will only be invoked while generating the servlet's class
body and not during the service method phase.
What is the scratch directory we are generating code into?
FIXME: In some places this is called scratchDir and in some
other places it is called outputDir.
What is the scratch directory we are generating code into?
FIXME: In some places this is called scratchDir and in some
other places it is called outputDir.
What is the scratch directory we are generating code into?
FIXME: In some places this is called scratchDir and in some
other places it is called outputDir.
JspCompiler is an implementation of Compiler with a funky code
mangling and code generation scheme!
The reason that it is both a sub-class of compiler and an implementation
of mangler is because the isOutDated method that is overridden and the
name mangulation both depend on the actual existance of other class and
java files.
This wrapper keeps track of the last modified data of the class generated and
a file reference to the JSP thus a quick check can be made before calling
for the output of a JSP to see if the class needs recompiling.
Do you want support for "large" files? What this essentially
means is that we generated code so that the HTML data in a JSP
file is stored separately as opposed to those constant string
data being used literally in the generated servlet.
Constructor for a default MyJasper that loads its parameters from a file called that is in the same directory root as this classes class file
or in the same jar file.
This is an OutputStream implementaion that writes to an existing StringWriter
It is a simple wrapper so that the destination method can return an
Output stream when it contains a writer.
Gets the engineInfo attribute of the JspFactoryImpl object
Gets the engineInfo attribute of the JspFactoryImpl object Gets the
engineInfo attribute of the JspFactoryImpl object Description of the Method
Do you want stack traces and such displayed in the client's
browser? If this is false, such messages go to the standard
error or a log file if the standard error is redirected.