
Class EmbededServletOptions

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class EmbededServletOptions
extends java.lang.Object
implements Options

A class to hold all init parameters specific to the JSP engine.

Anil K. Vijendran, Hans Bergsten, Paul Hinds

Field Summary
 java.lang.String classpath
          What classpath should I use while compiling generated servlets?
 java.lang.String ieClassId
          Need to have this as is for versions 4 and 5 of IE.
 java.lang.String jspCompilerPath
          Path of the compiler to use for compiling JSP pages.
 java.lang.Class jspCompilerPlugin
          Plugin class to use to compile JSP pages.
 boolean keepGenerated
          Do you want to keep the generated Java files around?
 boolean largeFile
          Do you want support for "large" files? What this essentially means is that we generated code so that the HTML data in a JSP file is stored separately as opposed to those constant string data being used literally in the generated servlet.
 boolean mappedFile
          Do you want support for "mapped" files? This will generate servlet that has a print statement per line of the JSP file.
 java.io.File scratchDir
          I want to see my generated servlets.
 boolean sendErrorToClient
          Do you want stack traces and such displayed in the client's browser? If this is false, such messages go to the standard error or a log file if the standard error is redirected.
Constructor Summary
EmbededServletOptions(javax.servlet.ServletConfig config, javax.servlet.ServletContext context)
          Create an EmbededServletOptions object using data available from ServletConfig and ServletContext.
Method Summary
 java.lang.String getClassPath()
          What classpath should I use while compiling the servlets generated from JSP files?
 java.lang.String getIeClassId()
          Class ID for use in the plugin tag when the browser is IE.
 java.lang.String getJspCompilerPath()
          Path of the compiler to use for compiling JSP pages.
 java.lang.Class getJspCompilerPlugin()
          What compiler plugin should I use to compile the servlets generated from JSP files?
 boolean getKeepGenerated()
          Are we keeping generated code around?
 boolean getLargeFile()
          Are we supporting large files?
 boolean getMappedFile()
          Are we supporting HTML mapped servlets?
 java.lang.Object getProtectionDomain()
          ProtectionDomain for this JSP Context when using a SecurityManager
 java.io.File getScratchDir()
          What is my scratch dir?
 boolean getSendErrorToClient()
          Should errors be sent to client or thrown into stderr?
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public boolean keepGenerated
Do you want to keep the generated Java files around?


public boolean largeFile
Do you want support for "large" files? What this essentially means is that we generated code so that the HTML data in a JSP file is stored separately as opposed to those constant string data being used literally in the generated servlet.


public boolean mappedFile
Do you want support for "mapped" files? This will generate servlet that has a print statement per line of the JSP file. This seems like a really nice feature to have for debugging.


public boolean sendErrorToClient
Do you want stack traces and such displayed in the client's browser? If this is false, such messages go to the standard error or a log file if the standard error is redirected.


public java.io.File scratchDir
I want to see my generated servlets. Which directory are they in?


public java.lang.String ieClassId
Need to have this as is for versions 4 and 5 of IE. Can be set from the initParams so if it changes in the future all that is needed is to have a jsp initParam of type ieClassId=""


public java.lang.String classpath
What classpath should I use while compiling generated servlets?


public java.lang.Class jspCompilerPlugin
Plugin class to use to compile JSP pages.


public java.lang.String jspCompilerPath
Path of the compiler to use for compiling JSP pages.
Constructor Detail


public EmbededServletOptions(javax.servlet.ServletConfig config,
                             javax.servlet.ServletContext context)
Create an EmbededServletOptions object using data available from ServletConfig and ServletContext.
Method Detail


public boolean getKeepGenerated()
Are we keeping generated code around?
Specified by:
getKeepGenerated in interface Options


public boolean getLargeFile()
Are we supporting large files?
Specified by:
getLargeFile in interface Options


public boolean getMappedFile()
Are we supporting HTML mapped servlets?
Specified by:
getMappedFile in interface Options


public boolean getSendErrorToClient()
Should errors be sent to client or thrown into stderr?
Specified by:
getSendErrorToClient in interface Options


public java.lang.String getIeClassId()
Class ID for use in the plugin tag when the browser is IE.
Specified by:
getIeClassId in interface Options


public java.io.File getScratchDir()
What is my scratch dir?
Specified by:
getScratchDir in interface Options


public final java.lang.Object getProtectionDomain()
ProtectionDomain for this JSP Context when using a SecurityManager
Specified by:
getProtectionDomain in interface Options


public java.lang.String getClassPath()
What classpath should I use while compiling the servlets generated from JSP files?
Specified by:
getClassPath in interface Options


public java.lang.Class getJspCompilerPlugin()
What compiler plugin should I use to compile the servlets generated from JSP files?
Specified by:
getJspCompilerPlugin in interface Options


public java.lang.String getJspCompilerPath()
Path of the compiler to use for compiling JSP pages.
Specified by:
getJspCompilerPath in interface Options
