
Class CommandLineContext

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class CommandLineContext
extends java.lang.Object
implements JspCompilationContext

Holds data used on a per-page compilation context that would otherwise spill over to other pages being compiled. Things like the taglib classloaders and directives.

Danno Ferrin, Paul Hinds

Constructor Summary
CommandLineContext(JasperLoader newLoader, java.lang.String newClassPath, java.lang.String newJspFile, java.lang.String newUriBase, java.lang.String newUriRoot, boolean newErrPage, Options newOptions)
Method Summary
 void addJar(java.lang.String jar)
          Add a jar to the classpath used by the loader
 Compiler createCompiler()
          Create a "Compiler" object based on some init param data.
 java.lang.ClassLoader getClassLoader()
          What class loader to use for loading classes while compiling this JSP? I don't think this is used right now -- akv.
 java.lang.String getClassPath()
          The classpath that is passed off to the Java compiler.
 java.lang.String getContentType()
          What's the content type of this JSP? Content type includes content type and encoding.
 java.lang.String getFullClassName()
          Utility method to get the full class name from the package and class name.
 java.lang.String getJspFile()
          Path of the JSP URI.
 Options getOptions()
          Get hold of the Options object for this context.
 java.lang.String getOutputDir()
          What is the scratch directory we are generating code into? FIXME: In some places this is called scratchDir and in some other places it is called outputDir.
 JspReader getReader()
          Get the input reader for the JSP text.
 java.lang.String getRealPath(java.lang.String path)
          Gets the actual path of a URI relative to the context of the compilation.
 java.io.InputStream getResourceAsStream(java.lang.String res)
          Gets a resource as a stream, relative to the meanings of this context's implementation.
 java.lang.String getServletClassName()
          Just the class name (does not include package name) of the generated class.
 java.lang.String getServletJavaFileName()
          Full path name of the Java file into which the servlet is being generated.
 java.lang.String getServletPackageName()
          The package name into which the servlet class is generated.
 ServletWriter getWriter()
          Where is the servlet being generated?
 boolean isErrorPage()
          Are we processing something that has been declared as an errorpage?
 boolean isOutputInDirs()
 boolean keepGenerated()
          Are we keeping generated code around?
 void lockClassName()
 void lockPackageName()
 java.lang.String resolveRelativeUri(java.lang.String uri)
          Get the full value of a URI relative to this compilations context uses current file as the base.
 void setContentType(java.lang.String contentType)
 void setErrorPage(boolean isErrPage)
 void setOutputInDirs(boolean newValue)
 void setReader(JspReader reader)
 void setServletClassName(java.lang.String servletClassName)
 void setServletJavaFileName(java.lang.String servletJavaFileName)
 void setServletPackageName(java.lang.String servletPackageName)
 void setWriter(ServletWriter writer)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public CommandLineContext(JasperLoader newLoader,
                          java.lang.String newClassPath,
                          java.lang.String newJspFile,
                          java.lang.String newUriBase,
                          java.lang.String newUriRoot,
                          boolean newErrPage,
                          Options newOptions)
                   throws JasperException
Method Detail


public java.lang.String getClassPath()
The classpath that is passed off to the Java compiler.
Specified by:
getClassPath in interface JspCompilationContext


public JspReader getReader()
Get the input reader for the JSP text.
Specified by:
getReader in interface JspCompilationContext


public ServletWriter getWriter()
Where is the servlet being generated?
Specified by:
getWriter in interface JspCompilationContext


public java.lang.ClassLoader getClassLoader()
What class loader to use for loading classes while compiling this JSP? I don't think this is used right now -- akv.
Specified by:
getClassLoader in interface JspCompilationContext


public void addJar(java.lang.String jar)
            throws java.io.IOException
Description copied from interface: JspCompilationContext
Add a jar to the classpath used by the loader
Specified by:
addJar in interface JspCompilationContext


public boolean isErrorPage()
Are we processing something that has been declared as an errorpage?
Specified by:
isErrorPage in interface JspCompilationContext


public java.lang.String getOutputDir()
What is the scratch directory we are generating code into? FIXME: In some places this is called scratchDir and in some other places it is called outputDir.
Specified by:
getOutputDir in interface JspCompilationContext


public java.lang.String getJspFile()
Path of the JSP URI. Note that this is not a file name. This is the context rooted URI of the JSP file.
Specified by:
getJspFile in interface JspCompilationContext


public java.lang.String getServletClassName()
Just the class name (does not include package name) of the generated class.
Specified by:
getServletClassName in interface JspCompilationContext


public java.lang.String getServletPackageName()
The package name into which the servlet class is generated.
Specified by:
getServletPackageName in interface JspCompilationContext


public java.lang.String getFullClassName()
Utility method to get the full class name from the package and class name.
Specified by:
getFullClassName in interface JspCompilationContext


public java.lang.String getServletJavaFileName()
Full path name of the Java file into which the servlet is being generated.
Specified by:
getServletJavaFileName in interface JspCompilationContext


public boolean keepGenerated()
Are we keeping generated code around?
Specified by:
keepGenerated in interface JspCompilationContext


public java.lang.String getContentType()
What's the content type of this JSP? Content type includes content type and encoding.
Specified by:
getContentType in interface JspCompilationContext


public Options getOptions()
Get hold of the Options object for this context.
Specified by:
getOptions in interface JspCompilationContext


public void setContentType(java.lang.String contentType)
Specified by:
setContentType in interface JspCompilationContext


public void setReader(JspReader reader)
Specified by:
setReader in interface JspCompilationContext


public void setWriter(ServletWriter writer)
Specified by:
setWriter in interface JspCompilationContext


public void setServletClassName(java.lang.String servletClassName)
Specified by:
setServletClassName in interface JspCompilationContext


public void setServletPackageName(java.lang.String servletPackageName)
Specified by:
setServletPackageName in interface JspCompilationContext


public void setServletJavaFileName(java.lang.String servletJavaFileName)
Specified by:
setServletJavaFileName in interface JspCompilationContext


public void setErrorPage(boolean isErrPage)
Specified by:
setErrorPage in interface JspCompilationContext


public void lockPackageName()


public void lockClassName()


public void setOutputInDirs(boolean newValue)


public boolean isOutputInDirs()


public Compiler createCompiler()
                        throws JasperException
Create a "Compiler" object based on some init param data. This is not done yet. Right now we're just hardcoding the actual compilers that are created.
Specified by:
createCompiler in interface JspCompilationContext


public java.lang.String resolveRelativeUri(java.lang.String uri)
Get the full value of a URI relative to this compilations context uses current file as the base.
Specified by:
resolveRelativeUri in interface JspCompilationContext


public java.io.InputStream getResourceAsStream(java.lang.String res)
Gets a resource as a stream, relative to the meanings of this context's implementation.
Specified by:
getResourceAsStream in interface JspCompilationContext


public java.lang.String getRealPath(java.lang.String path)
Gets the actual path of a URI relative to the context of the compilation.
Specified by:
getRealPath in interface JspCompilationContext
