<DeliveranceMail Console

Installation Docs
API Docs



The console interacts with a running deliverance server.

It can not start a server, the server must be running already

The following operations are available
  • start - start the scheduler in the server
  • stop - stop the scheduler this will prevent messages from being sent without stopping the process
  • list triggers - get a list of triggers in the server each trigger can then be manually fired by pressing the relevate fire button
  • restart - stop the server reload the configuration files and start the scheduler again
  • kill - stips the scheduler and the process, the console will no longer be able to communicate with the server

    The console starts with default values for the host and port.
  • host - localhost
  • connection port - 2323
  • rmi port - 1099 The console can be started with different port and honstname from the commandline or by edditing the bin\console start script.

    There are two versions of the console that look identical but interact with the server in differnet ways. The defalt method is Java RMI but native sockets are also supported. By default you should use the rmiconsole.sh or RMIConsole.cmd scripts.
    There is only one startup script to difine if the server should use RMI or native sockets edit the server.xml file before starting the server.
    To use the console through a firewall both the ports mentioned above should be open for RMI only the 2323 port needs to be open for native sockets.
